In 2012 Centennial Lutheran Church began handing out bags of food to people in the community. Since, this has become a regular ministry. Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 2-4 pm volunteers hand out food to anyone who comes expressing a need. This ministry serves about 40 families each distribution. If you're hungry, come see us. If you would like to parnter with us to donate, fill bags, or give bags please contact the church office (303-798-1424, or, [email protected]).
These are common needs for the food pantry:
These are common needs for the food pantry:
- cereal
- canned soup/soup mixes
- Bisquik/pancake mix
- canned vegetables
- canned fruit
- canned meals (chili, Chef Boyardee, Spaghetti-Os, etc)
- mac and cheese
- ramen noodles
- toilet paper
- treats (pudding cups, brownie mix, granola bars)
- potato mix
- pasta
- rice